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Spots on Leaves of Philodendron

I have a huge philodendron.  For the most part it looks healthy.  But I always have a few leaves with spots.  The center of the leaf turns brown with a yellow edge.  What can I do to stop this problem?

Leaf spot diseases can cause the symptoms you describe.  Take a close look at the container and your watering regimen. Make sure the pot has holes in the bottom for drainage.  No matter how good a gardener it is impossible to provide exactly the right amount of moisture every time you water.  Move your plant to a container with drainage holes if needed. For best results water this and most houseplants thoroughly whenever the top couple inches of the potting mix feels like a damp sponge.  Pour off any excess water that collects in the saucer.  Plants sitting in water are more subject to root rot and leaf spot diseases.  Reduce your work load and improve the plants' growing environment by placing stones or marbles in the saucer.  The excess water can collect in the saucer while the marbles elevate the pot and plant roots above the water.  As the water evaporates it increases the humidity around the plant where it is needed.  Making these adjustments in care is often enough to control leaf spot diseases.


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