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Sharing Honeysuckle Vine

I have a beautiful honeysuckle vine that I'd like to share with friends and family. Can I start it from a cutting? If so, how do you suggest I do it?

Woody plants such as trees, shrubs and perennial vines are a bit trickier than annuals to start from cuttings.  Timing and the type of cutting can be critical for success. Take several 4 to 6 inch cuttings from the tips of new growth in spring or early summer.  Dip the cut end in a rooting hormone to promote rooting and discourage rot.  Place treated cuttings in moist sand, vermiculite or perlite in a shaded location to root.  Once rooted, plant in a container filled with a well-drained potting mix.  Established plants can be moved to the garden in fall or overwintered in a protected location (pot sunk in the ground in northern regions) and planted out the following spring.  Layering is another effective way to propagate vines.  Bend a stem to the ground or a container of potting mix.  Nick the stem about 9 inches below the tip.  Bury this portion of the stem leaving the tip above the ground and the stem attached to the parent plant.  Roots will form on the buried portion.  Once rooted you can disconnect the newly rooted portion from the life supporting parent plant and move to its permanent location.


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