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Planting After Tree Removal

We had a large (4 foot diameter) Silver Maple removed from the center of our front garden this spring. We had the stump ground to about 16 inches below the surface of the soil. What else should we do before we can plant over this area? How long before we could plant another tree in this spot? Or should we just give up on planting a tree and go for a bush or some other type of perennial. 

You can plant a new tree in the same area as long as the silver maple was not killed by a disease that could attack the new plant. Consider adding some low nitrogen slow release fertilizer to the planting hole to help speed up the decomposition of the wood debris that is still in the soil. This will reduce the risk of short term nitrogen deficiencies. Consider adding the fertilizer this spring and plant the tree in fall. Fall is a great time for planting trees, shrubs and perennials. Hope this helps. 


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