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No Flower Buds on Hibiscus Brought Indoors

I have a hibiscus that I purchased this summer. It has always been in the house in an east window.   It flowered all summer long.  The foliage still looks fine but there have been no buds or flowers since late fall.

The lower light intensity and shorter days may be the reason your hibiscus is taking a rest.  Move your hibiscus to a sunny south or west-facing window.  Supplement daylight with artificial light if needed.  Use a plant light or a combination of cool and warm fluorescent bulbs to encourage flowering.  Avoid using houseplant or other high nitrogen fertilizers that encourage leaf and stem growth but discourage flowering.  Use a flowering plant fertilizer that is high in phosphorous, the middle number on the fertilizer packet.  The phosphorous stimulates blooms.  Those with struggling hibiscus should allow the plants to adjust to the more stressful growing conditions and show signs of recovery and growth before fertilizing the plants.  Be sure to grow plants in the appropriate size container.  They only need transplanting when the plants become potbound and new growth is stunted.  At that time move them to a slightly larger pot.  Plants grown in oversize pots will spend their energy producing roots instead of flowers.  Limit pruning to fall through February.  Pruning at other times can delay or even prevent blossoms. 


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