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Lawn Repair

Installing an in-ground swimming pool recently destroyed our lawn—it’s now about 5,000 square feet of uneven, rutted dirt and mud that I’d like to replace. If I hire a landscaper to reseed it, will the grass grow in spotty and scarce? Should I go with sod instead, and if so, will I have to water it frequently?

Sod gives you an “instant lawn” while seeding is less expensive and offers a greater selection of grass seed mixtures. Which ever method you choose, soil preparation is critical for success. You will want to till several inches of organic matter into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil. This will help improve soil structure and thus drainage that was damaged during construction. Rake to fill in low spots and achieve the desired grade. Then spread seed or lay sod. Water often enough to keep the soil surface moist so the seed germinates or sod nets into the soil below. Once the seed is actively growing and sod has rooted in you can start watering deeply but less frequently.


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