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Keep Cut Lilac Flowers Fresh

Is there a way to keep cut lilac blooms fresh? When I bring mine in the house and put them in a vase, they begin to droop after a day or two.

Increase the vase life of lilacs and other flowers by following these simple steps. Collect flowers in the early morning as the dew is just starting to dry or in the evening. Though a harvest basket may look nice for collecting flowers, a bucket of lukewarm water will improve the flower quality. Place the cut stems immediately in the water to help keep flowers fresh. Harvest lilacs and other cluster type flowers before all the flower buds have opened. Remove lower leaves that would be submerged in water. Recut the stem on a slant before putting it in the vase. Woody stems of lilacs and other shrubs can be split with a shears to increase water uptake. Then make sure the vase is always filled with clean water, add a preservative for extra insurance and enjoy the harvest.


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