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Growing a Coffee Plant

I recently purchased a small potted coffee plant. It contains around 6 small stems, or possibly 6 individual plants. Should I transplant each stem separately, or can I grow it as one plant? I understand that coffee trees grow quite large if not pruned.

Fortunately you have time before your coffee tree grows too large to manage. Now is a good time to decide how you want to train your plant. Gently scratch the soil surface to see if the plant was originally a single stem pruned at ground level that then sprouted the six stems. You may eventually prune out a couple of the stems as the plant grows larger. If the stems are not all growing from one spot, you have several small plants that can be grown in one large pot or divided so you have one plant per pot. Either method will work. Grow the plant in a sunny window, water thoroughly and often enough to keep the soil slightly moist.


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