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Digging and Saving Peony Over Winter

We may be moving this fall. I have a very old peony that once belonged to my grandmother. How can I handle moving the plant since the ground may be frozen by the time we sell this home and move to a new location.

Gardeners, myself included, always want to take our sentimental or unique plants with us when we move. Be sure to work with your realtor to provide proper notification to the buyers. You may be able to ask for an opportunity to come back and move the plants at a better time. If this is not possible I would recommend digging the peonies now. Plant them in a large container filled with a well-drained potting mix. Water and store in a protected spot in an unheated garage. Insulate the roots with packing peanuts or other material. Store the potted peonies until next spring. Grow them as a container plant until a permanent planting location is available.


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