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Caring for Amaryllis

This is the first year I have successfully grown an amaryllis.  It is done blooming now and I don't know what to do to care for it and get it to rebloom next year.  It still hasn't produced any leaves, is that a problem?

Don't worry.  Move your amaryllis to a sunny location.  Water thoroughly whenever the top few inches of soil are crumbly and moist.  Once leaves appear you can give it a shot of a dilute solution of flowering houseplant fertilizer.  Continue to care for it like your other houseplants.  Once the weather warms you can move your plant outdoors.  The more intense light and better growing conditions help the plant prepare for future bloom.  Those gardening in warm zones can leave their amaryllis outdoors year round.  Some hardy types have survived zone 7b while most require warmer winters to survive.  At the end of summer in colder regions, gradually reduce watering and move it indoors before the first fall frost.  Store in a cool dark location, no water needed for several months.  At the first sign of growth begin watering and move to a cool sunny location.  I have had good luck moving mine to an east facing window in my basement for winter.  I water only as needed.  The plant is somewhat dormant.  I remove any dried leaves and wait for flowers to appear.  I have been able to rebloom my amaryllis for several years.  I occasionally get flowers in the summer as well as winter with this method.   If you don't succeed the first time - don't give up - you are in the majority as amaryllis is difficult to rebloom.


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