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Sitting Areas in the Garden

Stop and take a moment to sit, relax, and enjoy your garden.  And while you do so, look for new areas to create more such spaces.

Patios and decks situated right next to the house make it easy to stop and take a break.  Look for areas where you can enjoy the morning sun or find shelter from the afternoon’s heat.  And consider adding a water feature for added enjoyment.

A remote patio can provide more of an escape from your household chores or a better vantage point for viewing the garden.  Repeat design elements to tie your patio to your home.

But don’t limit yourself to just formal settings.  Look for opportunities within the garden.

Use evergreens and other plantings to block traffic noise and create a cozy sitting area.  Add some perennials for added color and seasonal interest.

A single bench perched on the edge of a garden makes a nice place to take a break from weeding and enjoy your handiwork. 

A bit more information: Gardeners know that gardening is good for the mind, body, and spirit.  And the research agrees.  Scientists have found plants lower blood pressure, reduce stress and feelings of fear, anger, and aggression.  And recent driving studies found drivers who view nature prior to stressful situations were less likely to suffer road rage.