Melinda's Garden Moment Radio Tips

Melinda Myers

Nationally known gardening expert, TV/Radio host, author & columnist with over 30 years of horticulture experience and tons of gardening information to share!

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The National Garden Bureau has declared 2021 Year of the Garden Bean. Join the celebration and include some of these tasty and nutritious vegetables in your gardens or containers.

You’ll find a variety of bean types including bush beans. These are compact plants that work well in small spaces and containers. Pole beans are vining plants that can be trained up poles, trellises, or other supports. You can also grow these in containers as long as you provide a structure for them to climb.

Filet or French beans produce ultrathin pods. You can find these as pole or bush-type plants. The delicate pods have made them a favorite of cooks and foodies.

Dried or shelling beans are grown for their edible seeds. The pods are allowed to dry and seeds harvested. These include Pinto, kidney, and black beans.

A bit more information: Garden beans were once called string beans because of the long fibrous thread that ran along the seam of the bean pod. But a stringless bean was introduced in 1894 and this stringless trait has been included in subsequent new bean introductions.