Melinda's Garden Moment Radio Tips
Melinda Myers
Nationally known gardening expert, TV/Radio host, author & columnist with over 30 years of horticulture experience and tons of gardening information to share! www.melindamyers.comMelinda's Garden Moment videos will help you create that beautiful landscape you’ve always wanted. Each week throughout the growing season, a new gardening video will be added right here, so be sure to stop back. You can also watch Melinda’s Garden Moments on your local network TV station affiliate.
Replacing a weatherworn cracked patio may not be in the budget. But there is a creative and attractive solution to this dilemma.
Just sweep a few seeds of heat and drought tolerant perennials into the cracks and let them grow.
Thyme (Thymus) may be the first plant that comes to mind. These plants are often planted between steppers providing an attractive ground cover and fragrance as your feet brush over them.
Creeping baby’s breath (Gypsophila repens) struggles in wet heavy soils but thrives in well-drained locations. The fine textured foliage and flowers help brighten the patio and attract butterflies.
Add a few magenta-purple flowers of the prairie native wine cups (Callirhoe involucrata) to provide early season color.
And even a bit taller plants like golden chamomile (Anthemis tinctoria) will work. The limiting environment in the cracks stunts its growth to the perfect size. Plus, the cheery yellow daisy flowers add a nice touch.
A bit more information: You can also use strategically placed containers to cover up imperfections. Fill the containers with melon, squash and other vines for maximum coverage and added gardening space.