Creating a Wattle Fence
Turn tree and shrub trimmings into a beautiful wattle fence for your landscape.
This old tradition has been a popular, low cost fencing method since medieval time. Sturdy branches are used for the post while quick growing pliable stems of alder, willow and even grapevines are used for the woven sides.
Here, we're creating a decorative divider for a garden. Cut the stakes to a length equal to the desired height plus the length to be sunk into the ground. Use a mallet to pound the stakes in place.
Install stakes into the ground about 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart on straight stretches and about every 1 foot along curved edges.
Weave the pliable branches through the upright stakes. Repeat creating a basket weave pattern. In this case we made the fence about 6 inches high. This decorative divider creates an attractive backdrop for our flowers.
A bit more information: Tree and shrub trimmings can also be made into arbors and trellises. Secure the stout stems into the ground and use twine or nails to bind the crosspieces in place. Or use small flexible stems as support for tall and flopping flowers and vegetables. Weave them in amongst the plant stems to mask their presence and maintain a natural appearance. Remnant trimmings can be placed at the bottom of the compost pile. These add air space and help speed decomposition of the plant material in the pile.
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