Controlling Invasive Queen Anne’s Lace
You may be surprised to find the dainty Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota),is considered a noxious weed in at least 35 states and invasive in many. Brought here from Europe you’ll find it growing along roadsides, in disturbed sites, and abandoned fields. Its aggressive nature makes it a threat to some native plants.
This member of the carrot family blooms most of the summer. That means lots of seeds are released to start new plants, wherever possible. Seeds sprout and form a rosette of leaves the first year. Flowers appear the second year, seeds are released and the parent plant dies. Then the cycle begins again.
Pull or mow plants before seeds develop. You must be persistent as there are thousands of seeds in the ground waiting to sprout. Keep nearby plantings healthy and vigorous, so they can crowd out the Queen Anne’s lace.
A bit more information: Preserve a few of the mature flowers as you remove the plants to prevent their spread. Place the mature flowers upside down on a piece of newspaper or cardboard to dry. This maintains their shape. Or place the blooms between two pieces of paper and press them flat. Use these to decorate holiday gifts or create pressed flower pictures, bookmarks and more.
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