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Create a Native Bee-Friendly Garden

Pollinators are responsible for about 75% of the food we eat. The European honeybee is the most well known but our native bees are also critically important.

We can help our native bees and gardens by reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides and providing shelter as well as food and water.

About 70% of our native bees are ground nesting. So, leave the soil exposed in a few warm spots. You can see these ground bees made a home around my obelisk before the plants filled in. Both are doing well.

Wood and cavity nesting bees, like this leaf cutter bee make up about 30% of our native bee population. Others nest in hollow plant stems so leave these, their homes, stand for winter.

Bumblebees nest in abandoned animal burrows, tree cavities, grassy areas, or under fallen leaves.

A bit more information:  Reduce the risk of conflicts with ground nesting bees. Create inviting habitat away from prime gardening areas. Leave warm south facing spaces open for bees to establish their in-ground nests.