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The Beauty of Sedges

The humble sedge known botanically as Carex provides lots of beauty and environmental benefits to the landscape.

These grass-like plants can easily be distinguished from other look-a-likes. As the old saying goes sedges have edges. The stem has three sides making it triangular, unlike the round or flatten stems of reeds and grasses.

Most sedges prefer shade and moist to even wet soils. But many, like these tolerate full sun.

Use Carex to create rhythm in the garden helping move your eyes through the garden in a gently flowing pattern.

The fine foliage of the sedges create a sense of unity as its repeated and intermingled with the various sizes, shapes and colors of the flowers.

Use Carex as a backdrop to plants with bolder leaves and flowers or as a focal point in the garden.

A bit more information: The North American palm sedge (Carex muskingumensis) provides interesting form and texture in the garden. The leaves on this upright sedge whorl around the stem reminiscent of a palm tree. The variegated cultivar Oehme has clear yellow borders on the leaves.