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Watering Tips for New Trees

Save time, energy, and conserve water while caring for your new trees.

Proper watering and mulching is the best way to grow healthy and long lived trees.  But droughts and busy schedules can make it difficult to keep our plants properly watered.

Using a soaker hose in the mulched area around the tree can reduce time spent hauling and applying water.  Or you could invest in a tree gator designed to apply water slowly and deeply around your trees.

Or make your own.  Convert clean toxin free discarded 5 gallon buckets into slow release watering devices. Drill holes in the bottom of the bucket. Set several around the base of the trees. You’ll need enough to apply 10 gallons of water for each diameter inch of the tree. Fill with water. The water slowly moistens the soil below where it is needed, eliminating water lost to evaporation and run off. 

A bit more information: Cover the soil surface surrounding the tree with a 2 to 3 inch layer of woodchips, shredded bark, or other organic mulch.  The mulch will help suppress weeds, conserve moisture, and improve the soil as they decompose.  It also eliminates the need for hand trimming which means less work for you.  Plus, keeping grass away from young trees reduces competition and speeds tree growth.

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