The Rowan/ Mountainash - Jan. 21 – Feb. 17 Birth Tree
If your birthday falls between January 21 and February 17 your birth tree is the Rowan, also known as mountainash. You’re said to be artistic and spiritual, a visionary, a progressive thinker and humanitarian.
These trees are also known as “the Lady of the Mountains” and were planted near entryways to ward off evil spirits. In the landscape use these four season trees for their beauty and bird appeal.
They grow 20 to 40 feet tall and up to 25 feet wide. They are hardy in zones 3 to 7 depending on the species. These beauties prefer cool moist conditions and when stressed are plagued by fireblight, borers and a variety of other insects. But when properly sited and managed it can be a beautiful addition to the landscape. And when a flock of cedar waxwings visit to feed on the fruit, it’s a site to behold.
A bit more information: The mountainash (Sorbus) is not the ash (Fraxinus) being attacked by the Emerald Ash Borer. The European mountainash (Sorbus aucuparia) is most popular with white spring blooms, orange-red berry-like fruit and yellow to purple fall color. Aucuparia is from Latin for capturing birds, referring to the fruit that helps attract birds to the landscape.
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