Celebrate Arbor Day and the Environmental Benefits Trees Provide
The last Friday in April is National Arbor Day and a great time to celebrate the importance of trees.
These long-lived members of our landscapes and communities help combat flooding, reduce energy use and so much more. According to the USDA Forest Service properly placed trees around buildings can help reduce air conditioning requirements by 30 percent and save between 20 to 50 percent on energy used for heating.
Trees also help improve water quality and reduce flooding. Their canopies intercept and slow rainfall’s velocity before it hits the ground. This reduces runoff and erosion, allowing more water to be absorbed by the soil instead of overwhelming our storm sewers.
For Arbor Day celebration ideas, visit the National Arbor Day Foundation’s website at arborday.org.
A bit more information: Planting new trees is just one way to celebrate this special holiday. Maintaining the trees on your property and supporting community greening efforts is also important. Get the whole family involved and help improve the tree cover in your hometown.
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