Protect Plants and Containers from Squirrels
Squirrels dig up bulbs, munch on tomatoes and damage containers and hanging baskets. You’ll need a variety of techniques and some luck to win the battle with these varmints.
Try covering new plantings with netting or floating row covers that allow air and water through to the plants. These barriers may discourage the squirrels and send them off looking for other dining locations. Once they move along you can try uncovering your plants.
Some gardeners report success with cayenne pepper. Wear goggles and gloves when applying this hot spice. Consider using a repellent, like Plantskydd, labeled for controlling squirrels. Treat before they start digging, apply as directed, and reapply as needed.
Scare tactics may also help with your efforts. But urban squirrels are used to human sounds and scents and are pretty difficult to scare.
No matter the solution -- monitor, adjust as needed and be persistent.
A bit more information: Protect your garden from birds, squirrels and other varmints with a commercial or homemade crop cage. Create a frame from wood, PVC or metal and cover the sides and top with netting.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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