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Chemical-Free Control of Field Bindweed (Convolvus arvensis)

One seed or piece of creeping rhizome enters the garden and soon the aggressive field bindweed is covering the soil and climbing over desirable plants.

Persistence is the key to success when battling field bindweed. This long-lived weed has roots growing up to 9 feet deep and 20 to 30 feet wide allowing it to survive adverse conditions while robbing desirable plants of water and nutrients.

Pull or till every 3 weeks for at least 3 years to manage this pesky weed.  Continue monitoring the garden as any piece of the root left behind can regrow in several weeks and seeds remain viable for up to 50 years.

Solarize infested gardens. Remove desirable plants and make sure they are weed-free before replanting. Edge the garden bed and cover with 6 mil clear plastic for 6 to 8 weeks during the the hottest sunniest time of year.

A bit more information: You may also try smothering this weed with landscape fabric for several years. Remove desirable plants, edge the bed and secure the fabric. Make sure the bindweed does not creep over the landscape fabric and root into the soil, infiltrate the covered garden from the edges of the fabric or seed in through any rips or tears.