Plant Bee-Friendly Plants for National Pollinator Week (June 16-23)
Celebrate National Pollinator week June 16th to 23rd by adding a few new bee-friendly plants to your garden. Both our native bees and the honeybees are important to our gardens and food supply.
Borage is an annual herb that grows 24 to 36 inches tall and is topped with beautiful blue flowers. It can be used for seasoning meat, the flowers can be candied and the leaves are steeped to make tea.
Calendula also known as pot marigold thrives in full sun and cooler temperatures. The bees will enjoy the nectar and you can harvest the white, yellow or orange flowers for cooking in soups and stews.
Goldenrod is not the cause of hayfever, but is a favorite of bees and other beneficial insects. The bright yellow flowers combine nicely with asters for a beautiful fall display.
And put away the pesticides. These products can kill the good insects as effectively as the bad guys.
A bit more information: Further help the bees by providing the raw materials they need for nesting. Leave a few small brush piles, dried grasses, reeds and deadwood for the wild bees. Or invest in one of the bee houses or beneficial nesting boxes like those available at Gardener’s Supply.
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