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Take a Green Micro-break

Take a green micro-break to improve focus, increase productivity and battle stress and mental fatigue.

A walk in nature is a great way to combat stress and improve your health and well-being. But not everyone has convenient access or sufficient time to visit natural spaces when feeling overwhelmed by work and life.  Research found that even looking out a window at natural scenery for just 40 seconds helps us focus and stay alert. And just looking at the color green can boost creativity.

But what if you do not have a window or view of nature. Other research found that looking at pictures of nature for 10 minutes helps improve cognitive performance.

Consider adding pictures of forests, the countryside and greenery to your work place and home.  Then take a few minutes, sit back and enjoy the view. You’ll be surprised at how refreshed you feel.

A bit more information: As you experience the benefits of these green micro-breaks, consider expanding your efforts to include mindful walks in nearby parks, green spaces and forests. For strategies to achieve the greatest benefits and research related to these benefits see Forest Bathing; How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness by Dr. Qing Li.


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