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Pounding Flowers

Preserve your favorite leaves and flowers to enjoy and share year-round.

Pounding flowers is a simple way to transfer the plant’s natural dye onto paper to create works of art and greeting cards.

Gather a few of your favorite leaves and flowers. Place them face down on watercolor or other rough surfaced paper. Remove any stems, sepals or other plant parts you don’t want to transfer.

Once your design is set, cover with several layers of paper towel or another sheet of watercolor paper. Gently tap the leaves and flowers in place using the flat side of a hammer.  Next, evenly hammer from one side of the design to the other, making sure to hit every part of each plant.

Lift the paper covering and remove the flowers and leaves from the paper. Allow it to dry and carefully brush off any remaining plant pieces.

A bit more information: Preserve the bright colors of your works of art with a UV protective acrylic spray. Be sure to read and follow label directions and apply in a well-ventilated area.

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Sept. 21, 2024
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Ixonia, WI


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Fall-Planted Daffodil, Tulip and Muscari Bulbs
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