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Make Your Own Plantable Paper and Holiday Cards

Save money, recycle, and give a gift that adds beauty to the recipient’s life for seasons to come. 

Make your own plantable holiday cards.  All you need is recyclable paper, a sponge, towel, strainer, large bowl, spoon, and of course small flower seeds.

Tear paper into small pieces and place in a blender.  Use a mix of 1/3 to 1/2 paper and the rest warm water.  Blend until the mix is a slurry (thin sloppy liquid).

Add a table of cornstarch to stiffen the paper and make it easier to write upon.  Stir in seeds by hand.  Pour onto a strainer or screen placed over the bowl.  Press to remove the excess water.

Spread the mix over a cloth and press flat with a spoon or spatula.  Press flattened mix with a sponge or towel to help remove additional water.  Cover with a heavy item for half an hour to further flatten, uncover and allow to dry.

A bit of information: Cut into decorative shapes to adorn holiday cards, use as gift cards or bookmarks. Add color by including colored paper in the mix.  And be sure to include a family photo of everyone having fun making the plantable gifts.