Bottle Biology
Need a break from all the holiday festivities? Put your family and some of those recycled materials and cast-aways to work by building your own terrarium.
All you need is a 2-liter bottle, well-drained potting mix, some small stones, shells or figurines and a few houseplants cuttings, small tropical plants, moss or other slow growing small scale plants.
Create the terrarium from a soda or water bottle heading to the recycling bin. Remove the label using a hairdryer set on low to melt the glue.
Use a pair of scissors or utility knife to cut the bottle into a base and cover. Make the bottom deep enough for planting. Slice several vertical cuts in the cover to make it easier to slide the top into the base.
Fill the base with a well-drained potting mix, plant, and then moisten the soil. Add a few decorative features and cover with the top of the bottle. Vent as needed.
A bit more information: Check out for more ways to put 2-liter bottles to work growing, composting and learning about science and the environment.
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