Plant a Bit of Magic – Fairy Garden
Add a little magic to your landscape with a fairy garden.
These miniature gardens can be tucked under the shade of trees and shrubs, built on a bird bath or stump or planted in any size container. Just be sure to shelter your miniature garden from harsh weather, flooded soils, and wandering feet.
Start with a focal point. It can be a purchased or homemade home for the fairies, a small scale bench, miniature trees, pond, or a plant covered arbor.
Use young dwarf evergreens, bonsai plants, or prune bay, rosemary or any small leaved plant to look like a tree. Train wire vine over a miniature arbor and use wooly thyme, baby tears, Irish moss, and creeping speedwell for groundcover. Succulents, strawberry begonias, saxifrages, and other small plants make nice accents.
Accessorize with found or purchased items. Fill a small plant saucer with water for a pond, use a thimble for a container, and add some small scale furniture.
A bit more information: You can leave hardy plants growing in fairy gardens installed in the ground outdoors year round. Provide winter protection as needed and move tropical, succulents, or any plants that are not hardy to your climate indoors during harsh winter weather.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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