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Tired of fighting moss in your lawn and garden?  It may be time to embrace it and grow a moss garden.

Moss grows in shaded locations with damp, poorly drained, compacted and acidic soils.  Correct these growing conditions if you want to eliminate this plant.  But you may find it easier to embrace and grow it instead.

The easiest way to get started is to allow existing moss to spread and cover a larger area.  Simply keep it free from debris and keep other plants out of its way.

Speed up the process by digging, dividing and moving moss in from other areas of the landscape with similar growing conditions.  Simply press the moss pieces into the soil in their new location. Then water thoroughly to remove air pockets.

Another way to propagate moss is the blender method.  Blend your moss with water or beer, and a thickener like yogurt, clay or black soil or water retaining crystals.  Pour onto the soil where you want it to grow.   

A bit more information:  No moss of your own?  Ask a friend to share.  They just might appreciate your help weeding the moss out of their yard.  Or purchase moss online.  Purchase pieces of moss suited to your growing conditions.  Or try one of the “moss milkshakes”.  Just follow directions and create a moss slurry to pour over the soil surface and get your moss garden growing. 

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