A New Look for Your Landscape
Sometimes the easiest way to add a fresh look to your garden is to use your favorite plants in a new way.
The popular easy care wave petunia provides big impact with minimal care. This year use these or other trailing petunias in a new way.
Combine wave petunias with another vigorous growing vine like lamium, licorice plant or black-eyed Susan vine.
Create a living candelabra with a hanging basket of petunias. Insert several 12 inch candles into your hanging basket of trailing petunias. Just be sure to replace the candles before they burn down to the flowers.
Plant trailing petunias in the ground and grow as an annual groundcover. These large petunias will quickly fill the bed and add color throughout the season.
Or go vertical. Train these vigorous growers up a wire frame to create a petunia tree or along a fence for a colorful screen.
A bit more information: Create a tower of petunia flowers with a bit of 20 gauge fencing, landscape fabric, and a flat of trailing petunias, lantana, verbena or other trailing plant. For directions, click here.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
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Ixonia, WI
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