Persian Shield Strobilanthes dyerianus
Plant Persian Shield for season long color in gardens and containers.
This tropical plant is typically grown as an annual in full sun and partially shaded locations. Keep the soil slightly moist for best results.
The dark green leaves have a silvery purple iridescence on the upper side and are deep purple beneath. Combine Persian Shield with silver foliage plants like licorice and lotus vines and pink or purple flowers like heliotrope, calibrachoas, petunias and verbena.
This lovely plant can grow several feet tall. Pinch out the growing tip to encourage fuller more compact growth.
It is hardy in zones 10 and 11 and grown as an annual elsewhere. Move the plans indoors or take cuttings at the end of the season and treat it like your other houseplants. Grow it in a brightly lit location and water thoroughly when the top inch of soil is slightly dry.
A bit more information: As the Persian shield ages the stems can become woody, decreasing the plant’s overall appearance. Start new plants from these older specimens by taking and rooting cuttings from your original plant. Overwinter these for a fresh start the following spring.
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