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Storing and Cleaning Pots

Fall is about clean up and preparation for the season ahead. Don’t overlook your containers when packing away summer garden supplies.

Fall cleanup can save you time during the frantic planting season. Removing organic matter and salt build up can increase the beauty of the container and reduce the risk of disease in future plantings.

Don your rubber gloves and start by soaking pots in a 9-part bleach to one-part water solution for 10 minutes. Move them to a solution of dish soap and water and then rinse with clear water.

Use steel wool to remove any lingering salt build up on clay pots and a scouring pad for plastic planters. This white often crusty, material is an accumulation of minerals from water and fertilizer. It can be unsightly and may be harmful to some plants

Rinse, dry and store the pots until you are ready to fill with fresh healthy plants

A bit more information:  Moss covered pots are considered a beautiful addition by some and something to eliminate by others. Conserve the moss coating by only cleaning the inside of the pot. Use a paint scraper and clean as described above if you want to eliminate the moss.