Pampas Grass
I live in Portland, Oregon and have a huge pampas grass clump that flowers by the seedheads are brown like seed pods rather than fluffy and white. My neighbor has one just two houses from me and his is gorgeous and fluffy. They have the same growing conditions and receive the same care. Please tell me how I can get mine to look white and fluffy.
Several grasses go by the common name pampas grass. The one with the largest fluffiest flowers commonly seen in California and Southeastern United States is Cortaderia selloana. Other grasses such as Saccharum ravennae and some of the Miscanthus have fluffy flowers and seed heads that are not as showy as Cortaderia. Try an internet image search to compare photos of the three grasses. Perhaps you have one of the other less showy grasses often referred to as pampas grass.
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