Golden Moneywort
I live in a wooded area and I heard you recommend using Golden Moneywort as a ground cover in shady areas. Is it hard to control? What about competition with other plants such as hostas, coral bells, bleeding hearts, etc? We have over 50 varieties of hostas spread throughout the yard and would hate to lose them to a predatory plant.
Golden moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’) is assertive but not as much as the green species and I find it relatively easy to keep in check. I have seen it used with other shade tolerant plants like hosta. I find these and other shade tolerant plants seem to hold their own with this groundcover. The lime green foliage of the golden moneywort makes a nice backdrop for the foliage of the other shade plants. An occasional thinning will help keep it in bounds. Avoid using this plant along natural water ways in areas where it has been found to be invasive.
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