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Fall Weed Control

Weeds often gain a foothold in the lawn during the stressful summer months. The temperatures are finally starting to cool and you are looking and feeling a bit fresher. Your lawn on the other hand is not. The hot dry weather took its toll causing bare spots, a proliferation of weeds and dead grass. Weeds often gain a foothold in the lawn during the stressful summer months.

A healthy lawn is the best defense. Water thoroughly whenever the top few inches of soil are dry. Keep your grass tall and mow often removing less than a third of the total height. Fertilize properly. I prefer a low nitrogen slow release formulation that encourages healthy growth without the risk of damage to stressed and healthy lawns.

Even with proper care weeds can bully their way into a heat and drought stressed lawn. Try digging, root and all, to remove small populations of weeds. Weeding can be a great tension reducer and physical workout. If this isn’t possible consider using more environmentally friendly weed killing products. Clove oil and vinegar are now being used to burn the tops off some pesky weeds. Several applications are usually needed to kill the plant. Be careful, they can damage the grass as well.

As a last resort use a broadleaf weed killer. Spot treat problem areas to minimize the use of these products. Whether using traditional or new environmentally friendly products read and follow label directions carefully. All these products are plant killers and can injure or kill your desirable plants as well as the weeds.

If weeds are an ongoing problem evaluate the growing conditions. Make needed changes in the growing conditions and your care to encourage healthy lawn growth and discourage weeds.


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