Creating a Sunflower Fort
With the help of a garden hose or rope lay out the shape of your sunflower fort in a sunny area of your yard or garden. Make your fort as big or as small as space allows. Lay out the walls according to the planting diagram.
If this is a new planting area in the turf, remove the sod. Then with a shovel mix in a couple inches of organic matter. Rake the area smooth.
Once the air and soil have warmed, your seeds can be planted directly outside.
Use giant 10-15’ sunflower varieties like Kong, Mammoth or Grey Stripe.
Space your sunflower seeds 8-12” apart. Dig a small hole 1” deep. Drop in your seed and cover it up with soil.
Plant scarlet runner beans or morning glory in between your sunflowers. These will help fill in your wall of flowers as these vines climb up the sunflowers. Plant scarlet runner beans 1” deep. Soak morning glory seeds overnight before planting 1/2” deep.
Water your seeds and keep the soil moist.
In several weeks, water seedlings deeply once a week.
Watch the walls of your sunflower fort begin to grow!
Don’t forget to share pictures of your progress with me. Post your photos to
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