Bean Teepee
What You’ll Need:
5 to 7 Poles - 6-8’ tall
Pole Beans - Blue Lake, Red Noodle, Purple Pod, Rattlesnake, Scarlet Runner and Gold Marie are a few fun varieties.
Locate a sunny area of your yard or garden for your teepee. If this is a new planting area in the turf, remove the sod to create a round or horseshoe shaped planting bed measuring 4’ in diameter. Then with a shovel mix a couple inches of organic matter into the top 6-8” of soil. Rake the area smooth.
Arrange the poles, spacing them evenly around the planting bed. Be sure to leave an opening for the doorway. Gather the poles near the top and tie together with twine.
Next loop twine from pole to pole. This will create a ladder for your vines to climb and fill in the wall of your teepee.
Once the air and soil have warmed, it’s time to plant your pole beans. Plant seeds 1” deep and a few inches apart around the outer edge of the teepee.
Water your newly planted seeds and keep the soil moist. In 1-2 weeks your bean teepee will begin to grow!
Water plants deeply when the top few inches of soil start to dry. This is about once a week during dry weather.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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