Bare Patches in Zoysiagrass Lawn
We have bare spots all over our zoysia grass. We had a service man come to spray it, but that didn’t do anything. Should we add new soil, loosen the present soil and re-sod?
Dead spots can be the result of insect or disease problems. Knowing the culprit is necessary to select the best treatment. Sprays only work if the right product is used at the right time. Avoid problems and reduce the need for chemicals with proper care. Avoid excessive fertilization that can lead to disease. Fertilize the lawn when it is about 50% green. If desired you can fertilize 7 weeks later. Use a low nitrogen slow release fertilizer to reduce the risk of burn and disease that often attacks lush succulent growth. Keep your zoysia lawn at least 1 ½ inches tall and remove no more than 1/3 of its total height with each mowing. Taller grass forms deeper roots and is more pest and drought resistant. With proper care the healthy grass may fill in the dead areas. Otherwise try seeding or planting sprigs in these bare spots. Consult your local extension service or lawn care professional for proper diagnosis if the problem persists.
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